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Brilliantly informative show
I absolutely love the The Eurasian Knot. They consistently have fantastic guests with specialist knowledge on topics that I otherwise wouldn’t have even considered to be important. I also really appreciate the level of knowledge that both Sean and Rusana bring to the interviews and the show more broadly—not to mention how fun the dynamic is between them as hosts. I enthusiastically recommend The Eurasian Knot to anyone interested in the subject matter, regardless of one’s own level of knowledge about it. I believe people of all backgrounds will get something worthwhile out of the show—I know I certainly have! Thanks, Sean and Rusana!
Consistent Quality Content
I’ve listened to this podcast for years and have always been happily impressed with the depth of the conversations and the variety of guests hosted on the show. Highly recommend for anyone interested in learning about the history, culture, and politics of the region!
The most likeable, informative, interesting, insightful, and stimulating presentation of Eurasian-related ideas and phenomena. Time-tested to rise above the echo chambers so common in today’s information spaces. Engaging, authentic and impeccable style. A modern classic? Perhaps… Certainly any a podcast whose dedication and discernment has matched its listeners’.
Great to see evangelicals looking outward in Appalachia; unfortunately they are not considering the Catholic Church closely enough. Secular atheism is the natural progression of Protestantism. It’s understandable that adherents are moving away from it.
Last Episode-Mental Health Crisis
I can thoroughly understand why you require a “Winter Break” most deserving! Epigenetic trauma generationally exposed by subversive Stalin himself a truly evil person who imposed his iron fisted rule far to long unfortunately. This is the first time I’ve listened to your Podcast and I’ll bel looking for you in February 2023. KF-Albuquerque, NM
Excellent podcast on USSR, Russia and broader region
I’m very fond of this long form podcast - great interviews and very well informed interviewers who rightfully challenge and investigate their guests’ analysis
Excellent Russia podcast (in English)
One of my favorite podcasts on Russia. Great, scholarly guests. Highly recommended for Russophiles.
Please stop saying “like” every 3 secs
The content offered amongst the hundreds of episodes on this podcast are worthy. They have many guests with good backgrounds to speak to their knowledge.The only thing that I can’t get past is the chisel to the brain when the two ladies speak and use the word “like” every three seconds as their crutch phrase. It’s mindnumbing and sounds like you’re listening to teenagers. If they remove this word from their dialogue they are incredibly intellectual ladies and would be enjoyable to listen to here.
Fascinating and wide-ranging
Covers a broad range of fascinating topics in depth.
This podcast is pragmatic snd absolutely incredible
Best podcast on Russia!
I’ve learned so much listening to this podcast!
Educational & Entertaining w/ Great Topics
I recently discovered this podcast and I’ve listened to several episodes already—the host chooses fascinating topics I've either read very little about, or never encountered at all (and I like to think I consume a lot of media on history)! Definitely recommend giving it a listen.
Best Historical Podcast Out There
Sean is a great interviewer and thorough with his own research and gathering info on his guest and their subjects. Its a good balance between the different eras of Russia (Muscovy, Imperial, Soviet, Modern, etc.) and he does well to examine areas that do not garner much attention, such as what objects and possessions Red Army soldiers carried on them. I have purchased several books based off his guests and have not been disappointed.
Excellent podcast
Excellent podcast on a fascinating subject. Particularly enjoy topics having to do with the Soviet Union and contemporary Russian society and politics. More podcasts on post-Soviet Russia would be great—anything to cut through the propaganda in the USA.
Esoteric and great if you are into Russian related topics
I don’t love every topic, but most are pretty interesting.
Excellent podcast.
I discovered this podcast through an old interview Sean did with C. Derick Varn. Good writing and serious journalism about Russia is much needed in a time when Russophobia is once again reaching a fever-pitch, and the SRB podcast provides just that. Good stuff!
Subscribe to this podcast: you won't be disappointed
I find the SRB podcast to be intellectually thorough, entertaining, and thoughtful. I've only been listening for a month or two, but I've enjoyed every episode with relish. Sean is a great interviewer, and always finds a way to parse every interesting morsel of knowledge from the conversation at hand. Additionally, the breadth and nuance of subjects covered is impressive; I've never come across a podcast quite like this. I've learned so many valuable things from this podcast, and really appreciate the time and effort Sean has put into this podcast to make it possible. Everyone, regardless of academic/intellectual interest, should listen to this podcast!!!
Intelligent, interesting, insightful
I have been listening to SRB for a while now. I’ve heard pretty much every episode. I listen to it especially while cooking. Sean interviews smart folks each week. There’s so many interesting stories. A lot of the guests are writers who have spent a lot of time investigating some piece of Eastern European or Russian history. I love it because Russian history is so epic, Sean and his guests talk about topics so energetically and with so much detail, and the subject matter is so far from the political and other normal day to day craziness of the United States. Instead you have the craziness of some far away place, so it’s an escape. I feel free to analyze them because they’re not the US (which I feel we over analyze on a superficial level here to where I don’t like doing it any more), but in doing so I guess I learn about the humanity of people in general as well as the relationship of that distant region and the US.
A must-listen
For anyone interested in Russia, the SRB podcast provides history, context, and insight, all presented in a lively and engaging manner by host Sean Guillory.
There’s nothing else like it
This podcast is must-listening for anyone who claims to follow, study, or hold expertise on Russia. Sean talks to everyone you’d want to hear discuss Russia. Except for the Kevin Rothrock interview. That guy is boring.
Great podcast, great taste in music
Love the show, just found it two days ago, and have blown through 6 episodes. The song at the end is always a treat.
Wish I had class with Sean when I was a student
Covers a myriad of topics and Sean does an excellent job of facilitating a dialogue
Excellent Resource!
I am a graduate student of Russian & Eastern European studies, and I think I learn more from this podcast than from my classes. It offers loads of balanced, well-research information about Russia and Eurasia, on a huge variety of topics. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who's interested in that part of the world.
Thoughtful, academic coverage of Russia
I've never been to Russia, but have had an amateur interest since high school. This blog does a great job of discussing real current issues thoughtfully with qualified people. A lot of US coverage takes a sort of automatic Cold War view of the country, and that's that. SRB covers a big complex country with nuance, which is amazingly rare.
Best Russian/Eastern European Podcast
Sean's Russia Blog Podcast is far and away the best podcast you will find on all matters Russia and Eastern Europe. As a scholar (historian w/ phd) who has lived in and worked on Russia/EE for the past 15 years, there is no better podcast I can recommend to learn about the fascinating, complex, and often times difficult history and politics of the region. What makes this podcast great is both breadth of the subject matter and the range and knowledge of its host. You will find an array of topics on the podcast from left-wing politics and the Maidan revolution to youth politics in Russia to the history of the Gulag. Sean brings in historians, policy makers, journalists, and many other leaders in their fields to present on numerous important issues relevant to Russia and the region. While the topics and guests alone would make this podcast a must listen, Sean's balanced, thoughtful, and probing questions and analysis always bring out the best in his guests, making the podcast even better. Given the breadth of the topics covered on the show, it requires a host with a great skill-set to tap into all of these fields. Whether its economics or the Russian revolution, Sean always has something relevant to add to the discussion. It takes someone with great erudition to pull this off. Sean's interviewing technique is equal parts scholar, journalist, and just interested educated interlocutor. The show never feels too wonky or too much like you're stuck in a never-end grad seminar. I recommend people getting interested in the region for the first time, as well as scholars, students, and policy makers. You won't find anything else better out there on Russia and Eastern Europe.
Great Podcast on Russia
I listen to Sean's Russia Blog to keep up with the situation in Russia. The blog goes deep into the rivalry and inter political conflicts in Russia.
Variety and depth
One of the best things about SRB Podcast is the variety of experts that Sean gets on his show. You don't just get one perspective here, you get a wide variety of experts on various aspects of history and social science as they relate to Russia and the region. I highly recommend it.
Great podcast
I love this longformish podcast on Russia. Only complaint is that I wish it was updated more often with a more regular schedule. Sean is a great interviewer with a fantastic disarming style. He is able to interview people who he disagrees with but without being disagreeable at all and allows for a great exchange of ideas and opinions. I really enjoy this podcast and recommend it to those who are interested in Russian history.
I listen to every episode.
Sean is an incisive and unpretentious interviewer, and the topics are a great mix of history and current events. Highly recommend.